Post 8: He discovered a new genus!!


One of the people I admire in the forestry field is Nicolás García, he was my professor in my first year of university, on the subject of abiotic components of ecosystems, his classes were very good, in terms of the topic and his way of teaching, he explained to us about the phylogeny of plants, something complex but very interesting.

The teacher Nicolás discovered a new genus for the Chilean flora with a single species commonly known as Pink Añañuca, this was achieved with ten years of investigation, studying the morphology and DNA of the species, which was previously classified in another genus, but thanks to his studies he showed that it did not fit in any of the existing genus, so he had to create a new genre called Paposoa Nic. García to locate the Pink Añañuca, renaming it Paposoa laeta (Phil.) Nic. Garcia.


Nicolás García has a degree in renewable natural resources engineer from the University of Chile and a doctorate from the University of Florida, now he is teacher in three faculties of the University of Chile; in forest sciences and nature conservation, in agronomic sciences and in the faculty of science and account with fifteen scientific publications on botany, I only know that about him.

That is all, bye. 😁


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